Gluten Free Sticky Date Muffins

Ingredients: serves 8

100 grams of rice flour 

50 grams of Lupin flour 

1 ripe banana (ripe but just getting brown spots, not brown) 

1 egg

100 grams of pitted dates 

100 grams of rice malt syrup 

30 grams of butter 

1 tbl of baking powder 

1/8 a cup of rice or nut milk (60mls)

1 tsp of vanilla extract


  1. Preheat the oven to 165 degrees.

  2. Mash the banana with a fork, then crack the egg and add it to the banana and mash it into the banana.

  3. Add the milk and stir well. Don’t worry about the banana lumps.

  4. Add the flours and baking powder and mix well with a fork, don’t worry the mix should be thick.

  5. Using a food processor, process the dates so they are finely chopped. Add the chopped dates to the mix and stir again.

  6. Using a double boiler, melt down the butter, add the rice malt syrup and stir so the butter and rice malt are combined well. Pour this into the mix and quickly stir well.

  7. Add the vanilla extract and stir again.

  8. Using silicone cupcake molds, line a muffin tin with 8 cupcake molds. Fill each evenly with the mix.

  9. Bake for 20 minutes and check the center is cooked with a fork.

  10. Allow to cool on a rack. Eat warm with some butter or take to work/school lunches for a snack.

Facts: Even though these muffins are a healthier alternative they should still be enjoyed in moderation. Still a treat but this is what I did to make them healthier. I wanted to reduce the carbohydrates and increase the protein so I removed the 100 grams of white sugar and replaced it with a banana and swapped the highly processed, high GI white flour for a mix of Lupin flour @thelupinco and brown rice flour to increase the protein and fibre and reduce the simple carbs. ⁣The recipe is now gluten free and refined sugar free. The orignal recipe has 235calories per muffin with 47.2 grams of carbs per serve and my recipe is 170 calories per muffin and has only 29 grams of carbs per serve.

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